Hidden expert courses Highlight the "Expert" option at the mode selection screen. Hold Player One Start, and rotate the Player One Turntable two full circles clockwise. Release Player One Start, then rotate the Player One Turntable one full circle clockwise, stopping at the "Expert" option again. Select expert mode and the Slake Mix, Nagureo Mix, and Another Mix courses will be unlocked.
Random mode Insert your coin(s), then ), then tap Player Two Bottom Right, press Player Two Bottom Right, tap Player Two Bottom Right two times, press Player Two Bottom Right two times, tap Player Two Bottom Right. Press Player One Start to play in random mode.
LINN 1999 song Insert your coin(s), then tap Player Two Top Left, press Player Two Top Left, tap Player Two Top Left four times, press Player Two Top Left, tap Player Two Top Left, press Player Two Top Left, tap Player Two Top Left. Press Player One Start, select normal or hard mode, and choose ''Random Song'' on your final stage to play the LINN 1999 song.
All music mode Insert your coin(s), then slowly rotate the Player One Turntable one full circle clockwise at the title screen while pressing Player One Bottom Right, Player One Top Right, Player One Top Right, Player One Bottom Center, Player One Bottom Center, Player One Top Left, Player One Bottom Left, Player One Bottom Center, Player One Bottom Center, Player Two Top Right, Player Two Bottom Center, Player One Bottom Left. Press Start for either player, then choose normal or hard mode. All songs will be unlocked.
Mirror mode Insert your coin(s), then press Player Two Bottom Left two times, tap Player Two Bottom Left three times, press Player Two Bottom Left, and tap Player Two Bottom Left. Then, press Player One Start. |